Aesthitic Groves
This recreation grove is a large area of the valley of Tempi between the mountains of Low Olympus and Ossa and has high and steep rocky slopes.This area has a great aesthetic and ecological value since a lot of birds such as storks, horn-owls, kingfishes live in it.
In this area, there is the forest complex of the northeastern side of mount Ossa that starts on the sea-level and finally reaches Pr
ophet Elijah (1,980 m) which is its highest peak.
This forest is a real ‘Botanical Garden’ since the propitious environmental and weather conditions of the area and particularly the high rate of rainfall, which is due to the eastern winds, favor the existence of numerous vegetable species.
There is a great variety of vegetable species and biotopes where the vast forests of beeches and fir-trees alternate with small mountainous meadows while on top of it there is a bare rock.